Friday, August 8, 2008

Life is an open secret, discover it!

Books that worth reading which i have discover who am i and appreciating others. buku yang menyebabkan kita tersandar muhasabah diri. membuatkan kita lebih dan ingin menghargai orang disekeliling kita, ibu bapa, adik beradik, sanak saudara, kawan2 n etc. menyedarkan kita bahawa kita tidak sendirian di dunia ini. there are you, me and can get this book if you..
  • wish to change lane from small roads onto the highway
  • hunger for inspiration
  • find way to become better person
  • the way how to get the prayers of the children , poor weak and orphaned to continue after you leave this world
  • want your loved one to appreciate and enjoy this life
grab this book for only RM2 for each story..