Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jom tgk movie?

tadi masa tgh dok go through some blogs i found an interesting on from malaysiawaves.com. it is an article on 'To 10 Scientifically inaccurate movies'. antara lain artikel bagi beberapa example holloywood movies yang berjaya menipu penonton hidup2..kite pn ternganga tengok..ingatkan betul...cth:

We could put together a long list of all the things wrong with Michael Bay's feel-good ode to global destruction, but NASA has already and they counted at least 168 mistakes. But perhaps the biggest problem is that the plot itself -- splitting a Texas-sized rock in two with a single nuke -- has a Texas-sized hole in it. We don't have a nuclear bomb anywhere near powerful enough to do the job. As strange as it might seem, this is a case of a Michael Bay movie not having a big enough explosion.

Much in the way of physics in the Matrix -- like dodging bullets and running up walls -- gets a pass because it's all within a massive virtual world. But in reality, our supposed robot overlords are a bit dim. Humans are a remarkably inefficient energy source. Instead of turning the human race into Duracells, the machines would probably get more energy just setting those goopy people pods on fire.

Kalau movies cam ni leh la drg tipu saya yang bukan beraliran sains ni..tapi at least bagi saya movies camni mencabar minda gak(walaupn scietifically inaccurate) compared to the movies kat malaysia sakarang ni. Bukan nak kutuk buatan Malaysia, cuma ksal sebab Malaysia still tak keluar dari kepopong pemikiran sempit ni..Producer2 kita hanya mampu bereksperimen ngan filem2 seram@hantu yang tiada kesahihanya itu. kalau ada list' Top 10 Scientifically/religiously/Cognitively inaccurate' , sema cite2 movies Malaysia kot. memetik lawak selambe kawan saya 'aku rasa hantu2 pun dh ada Malam Bintang kot. Ye la drang mesti nak anugerah hantu paling popular, dah banyak sangat filem drg berlakon.' memetik kata2 bernas di saifulislam.com 'cite2 seram@hantu ni telah berjaya membuatkan anak2 kita takutkan hantu lebih dari takutkan Allah. Alangkah baiknya jika kanak2(org tue pn-pen) takut nak perkara maksiat bila mak ayah kata ' jangan wat camtu Allah nampak'..ni tidak bila nk takutkan ank2 mak ayah selalu ckp 'wat la perangai camtu nanti hantu datang'.terkencing2 anak tu ketakutan. ada la 2 malam t tak pergi toilet sendiri.sebab takut.
kalau kita tengok drama2 or filem kat tv sekarang, ada producer Indonesia dgn berani and machonyer telah cuba menghasilkan cerita islamik spt Ayat2 cinta ( wlpn saya tak suka sgt cite ni), pasentran cinta, di atas sejadah cinta etc. Cuma bagi saya cerita2 tersebut dihasilkan lebih untuk keuntungan berbanding untuk tarbiah. (better baca novel la).. masih ada adegan2 yang tidak patut di dalam filem tersebut yang ditayangkan secara terbuka seperti aurat wanita, hubungan suami isteri etc. adegan2 tersebut tidak perlu di pertontonkan kerana pelakon2 tersebut hanya melakonkan watak tersebut dan mereka masih mahram.
Saya ternanti-nanti kalo ada producer malaysia yang berani dan macho yang sanggup menghasilkan filem2 sebegini. kita sudah ada contoh seperti Cinta Madinah dan Syukur 21. dan saya rasa filem tersebut mendapat sambutan ramai..tiada masalah komersial. tidak perlu aksi-aksi stunt yang gempak2, teknology yang canggih2 cuma perlukan cerita tersebut lebih bermutu dari segi nilai universal(agama) yang akan merangkumi nilai kemanusiaan seperti kekeluargaan, cinta, politik, ekonomi etc. udah2 la dengan scandal perniagaan yang tak pernah habis, hasad dengki yang tiada ubatnya itu. berilah peluang kepada suri rumah yang dok tergila2gilakan cite sepanyol and indo satu nafas baru dalam drama malaysia. beri peluang untuk menambah ilmu melalui drama lak selain dari tgk wanita hari ini dan Nona. bagi peluang untuk mereka melihat gambaran keluarga yang islami dan mempunyai nilai moral yang tinggi dalam drama dan ini Insya Allah akan membantu mereka untuk mengaplikasinya dalam rumahtangga mereka. Tak lak surirumah2 Malaysia ni still dok berangan ntah pe2 dok tgok cite sepanyol yang penuh ngan feel of pathetic for the protagonist and full of hatred for the antagonist only. Nothing MORE than that. bila ek...saya amat mengharapkan agar kementerian yang terbabit serta media lebih PEKA berbanding PEKAK, lebih CELIK berbanding BUTA dgan isu masalah jenayah sosial dikalangan remaja dan dewasa serta golongan akademik dan cerdik pandai yang sedang meruncing ni..
some novels yang saya rasa bagus bangat tuk difilemkan/didramakan kat samarinda or cerekarama:

  • Syabab Musafir kasih(Fatimah Syarha Noordin)-setting dia kat Malaysia je..jimat kos gak la sb x yah shoot kt overseas.
  • Tunggu teduh dulu (Faisal Tehrani)-- ada yang kena shoot kat mekah..ala leh gak wat haji or umrah skali..menyelam sambil minum air..air zam2 lak tu..berkat..

ok la kalau boleh wat 2 cite ni pun saya dah bersyukur sangat2 (saya vote producer 2 untuk The bravest producer ever).. TAPI.. tolong la jgan ubah ape2 dalam novel tu..Nk ubah setting takpe...but not the theme of the story...cam dalam cite ayat-ayat cite..i think they had totally tukar tema cite tu dari Semanya kerana Allah kepada semuanya kerana cinta. alangkah naifnye fahri dalam cerita tersebut. sedih tul...
ok lah..dah la dulu..banyak sangat mengomen t orang kata 'wat cerita sendiri ar..'.huhuhu..

Friday, October 17, 2008


13 Symptoms of Chronic Dehydration

Most people don't think they need to worry about dehydration.
To them, dehydration is something that happens to travelers in the
desert when they run out of water. But there is a chronic form of
dehydration that does not have the sudden and intense nature of
the acute form. Chronic dehydration is widespread in the present
day and affects everyone who is not drinking enough liquid.

This list of 13 symptoms will inspire you to go get a glass of
water, and then another, and another...

After each symptom we will show how lack of fluid affects the issue.

1. Fatigue, Energy Loss: Dehydration of the tissues causes
enzymatic activity to slow down.
2. Constipation: When chewed food enters the colon, it contains
too much liquid to allow stools to form properly, and the wall of
the colon reduces it. In chronic dehydration, the colon takes too
much water to give to other parts of the body.
3. Digestive Disorders: In chronic dehydration, the secretion
of digestive juices are less.
4. High and Low Blood Pressure: The body's blood volume is not
enough to completely fill the entire set of arteries, veins, and
5. Gastritis, Stomach Ulcers: To protect its mucous membranes
from being destroyed by the acidic digestive fluid it produces,
the stomach secretes a layer of mucus.
6. Respiratory Troubles: The mucous membranes of the
respiratory region are slightly moist to protect the respiratory
tract from substances that might be present in inhaled air.

Restoring Vitality to You and the Planet!

7. Acid-Alkaline Imbalance: Dehydration activates an enzymatic
slowdown producing acidification.
8. Excess Weight and Obesity: We may overeat because we crave
foods rich in water. Thirst is often confused with hunger.
9. Eczema: Your body needs enough moisture to sweat 20 to 24
ounces of water, the amount necessary to dilute toxins so they do
not irritate the skin.
10. Cholesterol: When dehydration causes too much liquid to be
drained from inside the cells, the body tries to stop this loss by
producing more cholesterol.
11. Cystitis, Urinary Infections: If toxins contained in urine
are insufficiently diluted, they attack the urinary mucous
12. Rheumatism: Dehydration abnormally increases the
concentration of toxins in the blood and cellular fluids, and the
pains increase in proportion to the concentration of the
13. Premature Aging: The body of a newborn child is composed of
80 percent liquid, but this percentage declines to no more than 70
percent in an adult and continues to decline with age.

Listen to Martin Pytela and guests each week on the
Life Enthusiast Radio Show:

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Turn Your dull Water into living clustered Water

Japanese research utilizing magnetic resonance imaging
demonstrated that cellular aging results from dehydration and from
significant changes in the structure of tissue water. In other
words, as the years go by, we not only lose water content, but the
intracellular water becomes bound to unwanted biological
macromolecules, resulting in a decrease in the beautiful water
clusters with which we began life.

Cell communication, nutrient delivery, detoxification,
diffusion and molecular movements all suffer with age.

Dr. Lee Lorenzen was bold enough to challenge the accepted
notion that this decline in metabolic efficiency was an inevitable
result of aging. He reasoned that the decline in water content and
the breakdown of water structure might not simply be an effect of
aging, but that it may also be a cause of aging.

He believed if he could create a way to replenish bodily fluids
with the proper structure of water, then metabolic efficiency and
signal transduction could be enhanced throughout the body. Dr.
Lorenzen has been proven to be correct.

These days we are able to create well structured water using
advanced technologies. Infused with light from a Geometric Laser,
Tymbak Tech Nano Water contains the vibratory imprint of 35
essential isotopes of elements which the body needs, in their
pre-metallic, unstable isotopic form, required for healthy
functioning of the body.

To learn more about Tymbak Tech Nano Water:


Pesona Zulaikha..

Indah wajahnya gamit pesona

Pedih jemari terluka tidak terasa

Anggun tingkahnya runtun jiwamu

Adakah malaikat menjelma manusia

Saat kau turutkan perintah nafsumu

Enggan dia tunduk pada godaanmu

Dihasut amarah kau lontarkan fitnah

Terpenjara Yusuf pertahan imannya

Begitu cinta si Zulaikha

Tega mendamba kekasihnya

Hingga tenggelam dalam amukan rindunya

Namun tika datang cahaya

Dari cinta segala jiwa

Seluruh jiwa kini hanyalah Khaliqnya

Berganti rayu pada yang satu

Basah bibirmu meratib asma’ yang Esa

Hati yang tulus rindu yang qudus

Inilah cinta yang sebenarnya cinta

Dalam kehilangan kau temui iman

Tidak dibiarkan engkau kehancuran

Yusufmu di sisi Tuhanmu di hati

Hanya pengabdian bukti kesyukuran

Oh Zulaikha engkau alihkan cinta

Dari cinta hamba ke Penciptanya

Rindumu bukanlah pemusnah jiwa

Tetapi penemu cinta hakiki

First time dengar lagu i though it was just another love song by Suhaimi. Tapi, bila tgok balik lirik lagu ni baru la dapat tangkap mesej yang nak disampaikan. Yup..as a saying goes..Don’t judge a book by its cover..

Cinta Zulaikha..bukan cinta biasa..saya terfikir macamana seorang zulaikha mampu untuk menemui cinta abadi dengan Penciptannya tanpa sesiapa yang membimbing beliau.. it’s because saya hairan if ada pasangan yang bercouple atas alasan kononya untuk membimbing pasangan masing-masing(apsal x kawen je). Zulaikha seorang perempuan yang bermula dari zero dan pernah hampir melakukan perkara terkutuk terhadap Yusuf yang mulia. Seorang zulaikha adalah seorang wanita yang lemah yang akhirnya kuat atas cinta seorang manusia lalu beralih kepada CINTA ILAHI. Is that possible? Nothing is impossible even the mission is impossible .hehehehe..

Biasanya, if another gender yang bimbing ni, masuk skit(betul k?)..dah tu.. ikhlas ke tak sebenarnya nak berubah? Kalu betul2 nk berubah nape tak cari yang same gender je? Tak de kot...bkn pe..kalo x takkan ade women talk and men talk.. t lagi senang nk kongsi prob yang lbh rahsia.. terutama pompuan.takkan nak tanya lelaki kot pasal haid and etc yang berkaitan. wlpn diorang terror still tak pernah ada practicalnye. ..

Bkan nak merapu atau membebel, Cuma sedih bila agama di salah gunakan untuk kepentingan masing2. .